Court decision on Boreh and Djibouti government case

English High Court judge Flaux today ordered the Djibouti Government to provide a further GBP 3 million (USD4.37 million) to Mr Boreh as security for his legal costs after his recent win in the English Commercial Court.  This is on top of GBP 9.3 million which the Djibouti government were required to pay Mr Boreh for his legal costs last month (cite 2 Marchdecision).

Mr Boreh’s lawyer also informed the judge that Djibouti had also agreed to reverse a previous cost order made in Djibouti’s favour when Mr Boreh had unsuccessfully applied to strike out Djibouti’s claim against him in 2013. Djibouti agreed to withdraw its claim to over GBP 600,000 in costs, repay Mr Boreh GBP 163,000 plus interest and pay him a further GBP200,000.

The Judge also referred to Djibouti’s request for permission to appeal part of his judgment of 2 March. Djibouti had taken the extraordinary step of by-passing him in the appeal process and applying directly from the Court of Appeal. The Judge, who was not given a copy of the appeal document, remarked that it was normal practice to seek permission from the trial judge first instead of going directly to the Court of Appeal but this was something Djibouti would have to explain to the Court of Appeal.  Djibouti’s lawyer assured the judge that no disrespect was intended and submitted that they did this to save costs.