Hargeisa central jail prisoners hunger striking (By: Ahmed Ali Abdi)


Hargeisa prisoners start a hunger strike today at 6 pm. after delayed fasting food, due to jail poor administration to have their fasting food on time .after that they set fire their sleeping mattress. Meanwhile, the Somaliland firefighters control the fire set by hunger prisoners

Firefighters confirmed of the hunger striking, timed to coincide with the beginning of first Ramadan, the holy Muslim month of fasting. Though it is first-time such events take place. .this is an absolute violation of fundamental human rights. Missed food for fasting.

Tonight it is a bad night for prisoners of the central jail of Hargeisa, neither sleep nor stand because they set fire their sleeping mattresses.

Prisoners’ hunger strikes are problematic because prisoners are in the custody of the state. Prisoners fall under the responsibility of the state, and as such, the state is entrusted with ensuring their health and lives. Prisoners’ hunger strikes inherently

Present a fundamental challenge to this responsibility because they aim to deny the state the ability to carry out its custodial responsibilities. On May 20, 2017.  a diabetic detainee known as Abdi Abdilahi has passed away after lacked proper medical treatment in the central of Hargeisa.

Prisoners’ hunger strikes have become a matter of concern for many African countries. The widespread and repeated nature of this situation, as well as its influence on prisoners’ and detainees’ fundamental rights, have troubled human rights scholars. 

Therefore the Somaliland jail requires a complete review of detainees’ fundamental human right on a case by case basis. 

Human rights Activist 

Ahmed Ali Abdi 
