Somaliland FM receives a high level UN delegation

Somaliland Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mohamed Behi Yonis and  Deputy Minister Ahmed Kayse, on Monday welcomed a high level UN Delegation to Hargeisa. The delegation included the UN Resident Coordinator and heads of UNHCR, IOM and OCHA gencies among others.

The Foreign Minister highlighted the peace and stability which Somaliland enjoys, its democratic character, and while noting that Somaliland faced challenges like any other country, expressed pride in the successes the people of Somaliland had achieved so far.

The Minister welcomed the support being provided by the UN agencies, and looked forward to their continuing support in the future. In addition, the Minister and Delegation discussed a number of security, humanitarian and development related matters, including the urgent need for relief for drought-affected regions in Somaliland, and the refugee crisis arising out of the Yemen conflict.

The Deputy Special Representative Peter de Clerq, welcomed the progress made by Somaliland thus far, thanked Somalialnd for the support it has provided to those fleeing the Yemen Conflict and looked forward to working more closely with the Government in the future.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs