Somaliland Political problems
Somaliland political crisis this is the name I used , because until 1996 when the president Cigal was elected by house of elders, Somaliland adopt Democratic system of government , and this system is completely against Somali culture and system of leadership in Somalia society, In Somali culture before and during colonization the clan leaders were the true political elites in Somaliland politics, besides among trips they were has defined rules and regulation in all aspects of live, wither peace, conflict, relationship among trips, Somali people were having suitable from of management, because every problem were have a defined solution, at that time clan system wasn’t a problem because people were understand their system well, and clan leader “Sultan “ was a part of society in all situations, so society were relay on their Sultan.
After 1960 June 26, when Somalia and most of African states get their independent western political systems were implemented, which became complete opposite to the culture of Africans, particularly Somali people, because they assume that their leader is part of them , and that changes to democratic system which the political leader is not a part of the society in all situation but only ,politicians are part of society when the lections came, which contrivers to the culture of Sultans, that is when the impact of clan system in Somaliland National politics became a problem ,since this two systems are not matched.
Furthermore Somaliland took multi part political system , that more one party can take part election, this would be a good idea if political parties became alteration in ideology , but unfortunately only the names of the party leaders are difference, but it’s clear that the political leaders of UDUB and ministries are todays Political leader of Kulmiye and ministries too , since UDUB and Kulmiye their difference was only Dahir Riyaale(former President of Somalialnd) and Axmed Siilanyo (President of Somaliland) they have same ideology, meanwhile UCID and Waddani are in same way.
This supposed to be that every political party has a defined ideology whether people like it or not, example if one part may be says, we are ruling under Islamic system, and another may be Democratic there will be choice but now the only choice that citizens has is their tripe differences.
In another hand Somaliland Constitution will be future source of conflict, since of combination of three unmatched ideologies Islamic religion, Somali Culture, and democratic theory, one of main pillars of democratic system is secularism this means to separate religion form the politics which is impossible for 100% Muslim society, Islam is not only to pray five times, pay the charity, fast month of Ramadan, go to Macca ones a year, it’s not only to full fill five pillars of Islamic religion, but Islam is complete way of life, in terms of politics, economics, social development everything that a society needed is part of Islamic religion: moreover Islam is solution for all humanity, since to protect human rights, to became against any kind of discrimination, to give justice to all people and to lead all people their creator the only one and free from being slaves to other people of idol are major principles of Muslim society isn’t be solution for all humanity ?
In conclusion the constitution needed to reopen and became based on only one system, to avoid future conflict among the people.
Way forward
- The journalism must take part their role of watch dog; in more explanation the Somaliland journalist must work for their people and show who is honest to the society and who is not ,in order to remove rescales from the political arena .
- Accountability and transparency; the Somaliland government should be transparent to their civil society and representatives must account for the government since they represent the whole society
- Political parties must came a defined agendas , if political part win the election it must be clear what they will do for the coming five years because this is 5 year projects or programs of national development
- Somaliland political and other leaders must go back to their creator and work to their people host, because ALLAH will ask them in the day of judgment
Economic problems in Somaliland
Economical problem is also vital for Somali-landers , subsequently Somaliland is all most 99% dependent on import particularly daily use foods like rice, sugar, pasta, tea and everything related to daily consumption foods, likewise cloths and thing which is based on human life is imported, there is limited items that Somali-landers produce, mostly in livestock for now became scarce. So can a country relay of import of daily use of food become a developed?
Somaliland is also one of great supplier of Qad( a drug three that Somali People Jew) and the Somali people expend 1,100,000 USD per day which is in year of 2015 1,100,000* 365 days of the year = $ 401,500,000 while the budget of Somaliland government in 2015 was $108,000,000 , According to(Qat and its complications Faarax A. M. BSC). This shows that the expenditure of Qat is more than the budget of the government; In the meantime this shows us that Ethiopia has absolute advantage over Somaliland.
Qat is obligate intra-cellular parasite for Somaliland economic development, meanwhile the Somaliland government fail even to make exchange of Qat in natural resource that S/land has such as fish, salt or to export and import the ports of Somaliland.
In complete conclusion how Somaliland can become a successful developed state is not impossible, but it will very easy if the religious leaders, civil leaders, political leaders came together with a health mind, honest to make a positive change with a proper planning, Somaliland will become developed state, because of natural resources plus human resources which I believe they can make a positive change for the coming years.
Nasra Daahir Mahamed
NB” please take part sharing ideas is important, because together we can develop our country and send me this email any comment or other idea “