Is migration good for economy? (By: Mohamed Farah Shabelle)


This article we are deeply discussing is migration good for the economy of the country, although I am not economists, I will try to write something for these issues because I know the magnitude of these problems in our country and other countries of our continent.  In our country the youngest people they migrate from this country and most of them they died in this journey and we can estimate the youth who migrate 70% of the generations between 15yrs up to 35 yrs, it is not easy journey and it needs complex money to survive, as Somaliland people and its government we lost this migration our valuable human resource and money greater ten thousand dollar.

The backbone of our economy and the only source we have to obtain money is livestock and the last year there is a massive drought that effect mostly our livestock and 70% of the livestock died during these droughts.

When we spend every who migrate more than ten thousand and that person dies or enter European country when this money will come back in our country and when our lovely young people coming back our countries

Migration has both direct and indirect effects on economic growth, there is little doubt that was migration can cause employment and creation of new jobs, however, the situation is less clear when it comes to per capita GDP growth

First migration has a demographic impact not only by decreasing the size of the population

Secondly, migrants arrive with money and ability to innovate new things and new ways of better future and sustainable life.