Somaliland Election Campaign Ground Rules (By: Yahya Osman Yousuf)


Somaliland is going through Campaigns for the upcoming election on November 13th of next month and this is good because it shows the democratic process that Somaliland is famous for. I am a big fan of such political campaigns as long it is under the respect of Islamic values and principles.

To my shock, what I have noticed last night was beyond bearable such as there were songs every corner I walk to and a lot of youth were dancing in the public both females and males together. There were cars that were recklessly cruising their cars even close to cause danger or accidents.

Somaliland ladies were not properly behaving due to interacting with their opposite sex even late at night. In other aspects is that there was huge money were spent like car fuel, chewing Kat and most seriously circulation of unnecessary money which should be spent wisely.

In that case, I am suggesting few points that should be carefully implemented which anything that is done democratically but not Islamic is a complete disaster and chaos and here are the points:

  • The Political parties should have a starting time and end time.
  • There must be a defined line between the ladies and boys
  • Songs should be played but during the prayers, they must be stopped instantly ( although I am against the music)
  • The campaign rallies should stop quickly in the evening because there are people who want to sleep but with huge loudspeakers, the neighbors are disturbed.
  • The national budget should spend wisely and smartly not misuse and abuse it.

One important issue is that Somalia recently has encountered national tragedy in October 14th where was a bombing that went off in the main interjection of Soope street which almost 400 innocent people lost their lives and more than 500 civilians are in critical health situation along with 300 people are missing. In that case, it was good for Somaliland to delay these rallies and supply medical assistance to Somalia because of human issues. To mourn for them is essential that Allah rewards us with rain, prosperity, and peace.

Yahya Osman Yousuf

cell phone No: +252 63 4451089 Telesom
                      +252 65 4451089 Somtel
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