Courtesy of networking made by youthful entrepreneur Said Sheikh Omar at Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) held in Nairobi, Kenya from July 25-26, 2015 where he represented the Horn of Africa region.
High ranking officials from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and U.S Somalia Mission paid a visit to the different business enterprises of Summertime Group, founded by the country’s most successful youthful entrepreneur, Said Sheikh Omar Yusuf.
Representatives of USAID and U.S Somalia Embassy, comprising of Stephen Gudz, USAID Somalia Economic Growth Team Leader, Davania Seay Donagby, U.S Somalia Mission Economic/Commercial Officer and Mohamud I. Ali, U.S Mission to Somalia Embassy Economic Specialist who came to Somaliland in order to attend the Somali Renewable Energy Forum paid an inspection tour to the different business enterprises of Summertime Group on Monday to assess the achievements and needs of the successful young entrepreneur’s business enterprise.
During their tour, USAID and U.S Somalia Embassy officials visited the different business entities of Summertime Enterprise which consists of: Somaliland’s most iconic restaurant, Summertime Restaurant, Summertime Green Plaza, a state-of-the-art wedding and conference hall, Summertime Apartments and Summertime’s new world class five star hotel, Summertime hotel, which is planned to open in 2017.
The visiting USAID and U.S Somalia Embassy delegation received warm reception from the young entrepreneur, where they dined with him in a dinner banquet hosted by the Summertime Group founder and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Said Sheikh Omar for their honor.
During the dinner table, the visiting U.S delegation and entrepreneur Saed Sheikh Omer seized the opportunity to discuss the challenges facing the young entrepreneur’s business enterprises and USAID and U.S Somalia Embassy efforts intended to accelerate and strengthen entrepreneurial infrastructure.

Said Sheikh Omar was one of the two candidates chosen from the Horn of Africa region to attend the Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) held in Nairobi, Kenya from July 25-26, 2015.
The Summit, attended by United States President Barack Obama, is an annual gathering of various entrepreneurs, including social entrepreneurs, business people, venture capitalists and foundations, to participate in an intense two-day conference to network, learn from each other, and identify ways to improve the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
During the dinner table, the young entrepreneur narrated the different stages that his business enterprises went through since its inception in 2003 as a small snack bar.
Mr. Said told the visiting U.S delegation that the small snack bar he founded more than a decade ago has now flourished into an enterprise which consists of: Hargeisa’s most iconic restaurant, Summertime Restaurant which offers a delicious array of dishes from traditional Somali dishes to burgers and chips, with a full-service wedding and conference hall, Summertime Green Plaza, a state-of-the-art wedding and conference hall, Summertime Apartments; a state-of-the-art overnight and holiday accommodation for couples and families, Summertime Pizza & Fried Chicken (PFC); a free delivery Pizza Fried Chicken in Hargeisa, and Summertime Hotel; a world class five star hotel which is planned to open May 2017.
During their discussion, the two sides discussed the challenges facing entrepreneurs like him in the country where entrepreneur Said Sheikh Omar told the visiting USAID and U.S Somalia embassy delegation that energy costs is currently one of the biggest challenges facing his business enterprise.
The visiting delegation informed the entrepreneur the ongoing USAID projects that support the growth of entrepreneurship business, such as USAID’s clean energy initiatives which helps entrepreneurs reduce energy costs.
Asked what he plans to do next if he gets an investment opportunity, the young entrepreneur told the delegation that the completion of the ongoing projects is the main priority if he receives an investment opportunity
Finally, the visiting USAID and U.S Mission in Somalia delegation expressed their delight and satisfaction towards the services Summertime Group offers to its customers.
By Mohamoud Qodah