UN hosts business partnership seminar in Hargeisa

14 February, 2019, Hargeisa. Over one hundred companies from across Somaliland have attended a two day United Nations (UN) procurement seminar in Hargeisa this month, which outlined the procedures and policies of how to become a business partner with the UN.

The seminar covered procurement advertising methods, how to submit a bid, how offers are evaluated, and how contracts are awarded to businesses. The event also covered UN ethics and risk management practices.

The Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Planning and Development of Somaliland, Mr. Eng. Hussein Ibrahim, said the seminar was a key one for the business community.
“We welcome and appreciate the UN agencies who organised this workshop, and we encourage other international organizations to host similar seminars, in line with Somaliland government policy, which aims to ensure fairness and transparency in awarding contracts,” he added.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Support Office (UNSOS), UNICEF, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN (FAO), the UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) and the UN Integrated Office in Hargeisa, were among the UN agencies taking part in the seminar.

Ms. Sara Khan, Head of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) office, and acting head of the UN Integrated Office in Hargeisa, said she hoped the workshop will allow suppliers and companies in Somaliland to understand UN processes better. “UN procurement processes are fair, open and competitive. This will help businesses know more about how to apply for contracts, and to grow their business opportunities,” she said.

Omar Abdullahi Isse, CEO of Keeps Construction and Waste Management Company, highlighted the importance of UN partnership with local businesses in Somaliland in building the economy. “We welcome and request UN agencies to continue to work with local suppliers as we believe we are able to deliver the goods and services that are required,” he said.
Alongside construction companies, other companies attending the seminar included technology firms, medical companies, security companies, catering and conference organisations, and transport and logistics firms.

Media contact: Keelin FitzGerald, Communications Specialist, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Email: keelin.fitzgerald@undp.org