Artificial intelligence (AI) intended to assist people in writing is inexorably invading the academic world and is stripping people of their creativity and talents. AI is a pervasive phenomenon in this era in which we live. No industry is bereft of the AI’s touch and effect. A burgeoning brunch of this amazing technology is within the realm of content writing, which is to plan, and write something.Writing is a communication distinct from oral communication and each is good and appropriate in a particular context. Unlike oral communication, though, written communication is not visible. A person in front of the individual speaker sees the speaker, observing the speaker’s demeanour and body language, be it pleasant or horrid. Conversely, the individual reader does not see the particular writer. All the reader sees and deals with is the content at hand, be it good or bad. Listeners admire and actively listen to speakers with pleasant tones, clear messages, and considerate approaches. Similarly, readers admire writers with clear, concise, and courteous writing styles.
Content is king and it represents and speaks for the particular writer. No two writers with even the same education can ever be the same when it comes to writing styles. Every writer has a different way of writing, and nothing is wrong with that as that is how human beings are created. Their thumbprints are different so are their writing styles. That is God’s design and creation. Period.Artificial intelligence writing tools take away that unique attribute from people. They discard people’s intrinsic styles and debase their personalities. The way someone writes is an indicative facet of their personality, which sets them apart from other individuals. Therefore, if one’s style is altered, that person’s personality has also been altered. The two go together, they are inseparable.
Artificial intelligence writing tools do not only change people’s writing styles but also remove their creativity and inherent talents. Anybody who turns to AI content generators for writing admits this fact. Some argue that AI content generators can simply act like coaches and improve people’s writing. The question is, however, how much of that coaching is needed. The various AI content generators can write as much content as one likes, several pages, entire essays, or perhaps a whole book. But that is neither the particular person’s creativity nor their style.
Artificial intelligence takes the lead and imposes its creativity and style on such people. Unlike humans, AI technology can, from the beginning, craft neat and polished scripts. On the contrary, people need to write the first draft, and then transition to the second one or even more to generate the desired product. All those efforts are lost to the AI writing tools when one heavily relies on them. For example, the AI content generators, such as ChatGPt, and sudowrite, can turn one single paragraph written by someone into several pages.
A fundamental writing rule is: be yourself. However, AI content generators do not let people be themselves. Instead; they take away people’s creativity and originality, discouraging them from pressing their brains and using ideas and styles flowing from their minds. Because content generated by AI is too good to match, people belittle themselves and disparage their own writing. As a result, they lose confidence and depend on the AI tools to write for them. That is a wrong belief and a bad habit as well.
People should not toss out their God-given creativity. They must not rely on sudowrite or ChatGPT or other AI content generators for writing. People can squeeze their brains and write naturally, exuding their distinct thinking, and style. The more people use AI content generators, the more they lose confidence and creativity. They do not only lose those aspects but also become liable for having content that is not theirs. Content written by AI is not theirs. So they can be in trouble for that matter. And it is easy to check whether some content is written by a human or an artificial intelligence tool. AI detectors can expose that matter in a second.
Mohamed Abdi