Double dipping business (By: Adam Ahmed Adam)

I am one of the clients and beneficiaries of Telecom Companies exist in Somaliland, especially the mobile service provider (internet and dialing calls in and out).But not bound to receive a daily text notification ads messages from telecommunication companies in Somaliland.

Approximately in every quarter hour these companies posts and send you an advert message from within internal service and also external ads entities. These notifications cost me a lot. Particularly, my cell phone’s battery consumes a significant charge, as well as my inbox, were accumulated numerous unwanted messages. Next to that, their internal service ads are not free, if you try to use it will also cost money, and you can’t access without pay it.

Yet, these ads messages that they disseminate to the public are somehow not censorship by the line ministries. I thought these ads activities belongs to the ministry of information and guide to disseminate and deliver to the citizens by safeguarding and protecting  public confidence, not mislead or deceive the consumer and prepared with a due sense of social responsibility to consumers and to society. Again, they violate classification of business and trade– law no: 26/2004, states in article 11 (2) of the Constitution clearly defines “the economic system does not lead to degree of prosperity to exclusive group of people or a small number, so as not to result in economic classes, which include but are not holders have something”.

Then, I questioned myself, why these telecommunications companies use my registered semi card to their commercial issue without my permission to do so.?

Yet again, why concerned institutions of communication are watching and salient the breach of business spirit and right to protect personal property? But, in the perspective of telecom firm is simply for profit oriented. However, my personal concern is far beyond business, I have security fear that these unregulated companies my overthrow power of instrument with a single text message saying “BREAK-BREAK-BREAK & Ultimate Surrender”. Hence, the government shall be vigilant it’s responsible.

Apart from, breaching the above mention issues, they have generated a lot of unlawful revenue from advertisement service which they benefited by mistake for the customer’s semi cards. In addition to that, they do inject market the benefit they collect from the client and even they do not create jobs. In some big cities, you will see the staffs they started the day it opened office are still working. They do not add a tangible employment in the market, it is state of stagnation.

In my conclusion, their system of recruitment is not clear not adverted.  Lastly, I am suggesting to these telecommunication companies shall to stop semi card piracy activities or they shall pay cost based on ratio entitled by every customer who fed up those ad notification message. I think customers of these companies have the right to take legal action against them because they involved double dipping business.




Adam Ahmed Adam


Erigavo district


Freelance writer