Seven unnamed prisoners hailing from Puntland and Southern Somalia have been released from Hargeisa Central Prison in March after completing a 10-year sentence according to a press release on Sunday by Somaliland’s Minister of Justice Mr. Ahmed Farah Addare.
The prisoners were originally arrested and sentenced in Seychelles and subsequently transferred to Hargeisa prison in 2011 after Somaliland and Seychelles governments reached an agreement allowing transfer of Somali pirate prisoners from Seychelles to Somaliland.
The pirates received rehabilitation programmes and vocational skills training during their time in Hargeisa prison and now reached their respective regions safely. The repatriation cost was paid by Somaliland Ministry of Justice according to the press release.
There are still unknown number of pirate and terrorist inmates in Somaliland prisons.
Below is the press release from the Minister of Justice in Somali: