If Africa was a cranium then the phase that represents Black Africans would be the frontal while occipital, partial and temporal lobes of the brain would be in West Africa a rich continent in terms of norms and natural resources.
Africa is a continent that has a population of 1 billion people. The second largest in the terms of geography, nevertheless Africa is the home of diverse communities that have different ethnic groups, religions and nations. Since most historians believe that all humans originated from Africa. Historically it is of extraordinarily importance.
It’s a home of two large religions, Muslim and Christianity, of course there are African Traditional religions, and other believes: the multiplicity of African people caused continues conflicts that were going on for long times among Africans.
Therefore its continent of conflicts not developed like European or South American states, why Africa isn’t progress? There are a number of reasons that cause deferral to Africa, some scholars believe because of longtime under colony, while other academics like Dambisa Moyo argue that the main reason that African’s can’t develop is what she called” The dead Aid”, which she mean the developmental Aid or country to country Aid: there are other reason that can postpone African development like territorial conflicts despite the fact that wars are naturally causes economic destruction plus increase of ignorant rate.
Consequently this continent has a plenty of problems, however every problem has a solution, some African intellectuals like Kwame Nkrumah pan Africans strongly advocate to find United States of Africa said “ it’s is clear that we must find an African Solution to our problems and that this can only be found in African unity, divided we are weak: United Africa can become one of the greatest forces for good in the world” Though this idea seems to be an empty dream since most of the people that are advocating this theory are dead in addition the new generations that believe same idea are view in a number. The ways out are not limited some of academicians suggest remapping Africa, to remap in Africa can reduce the territorial clashes.
Redefining African counties based on ethnic groups can divide in Africa into five inordinate clusters, which can be a gigantic population states. So the mind of African people must think to find out a formula that can bring together with prosperity.
Any country in this globe can turn out to be an advanced state if their people successfully manage their natural resources, Human resource and the time, accordingly nation without natural resources become developed state because of their people cultivate into an educated community , such as Japan a nation without resource. Though Africa is rich in natural resources plus every person in globe has 24 Hours each day, so where is the problem in African communities? The major challenges are their Human resource, un-productive schooling system, so the minds of African communities are still under colony. That is why high number of illiteracy people are in Africa and even the view numbers that enter schools, couldn’t make any innovation or development.
The minds of Africans are still in the hands of imperialism, at this time this continent needs revolution of thinking, educating and independent from other continents, the curse of African people are their natural resource, they don’t even think about to make their rude menials or crops to change as secondary, in addition to that every product that African’s export in return’s as modified manufactured goods with high price.
If Africa wants to become independent continent they must rebuild their schooling system with an effective policy that’s suitable in their homeland, some countries have good land which is suitable for agriculture that nation must think about how to develop what they have, whether minerals, croups, seas, rivers or any other resources.
Education is the key to the development, and as Malcom X said” Only a fool would let his enemy to teach his children”, its well-known in Africa the colonizer’s shape their curriculum’s, is it possible to develop by these?, the answer is no, the thinkers of Africans commit to deliberate their own and build new system of education: as Albert Einstein said” Educations is not learning about facts, but the training of minds to think”
In twenty first century there is no direct colony but its worst then that, this century brain washing occupation is in Africa and Asia mostly in Muslim world; always Muslims and African’s share same problem after the collapse of Otham Empire: as Dr. Tariq Ramadan said” The only way to resist the colonialism is through education”
Many African countries are rich in terms of culture and civilization such as Egypt which is geographical very important position, politically sophisticated state, the first Arab country the sing treaty with Israel, most educated Arab state, before and After Islamic empires is was a powerful nation in terms of education and other factors, though Islamiclly education is an obligation, and the first verses of Qur’an that come down was “ read” , however Africa in not 100% Muslim but it has a large of number of Muslims.
In conclusion if Africa wants to improve is essential to think and try to construct a critical thinking community and unite with diversity. “Educational system view children as human becoming that they explicitly preparing for work , we learn skills and knowledge , as well as about society norms , values and beliefs which are necessary for our survival and ultimately about society survival “Nicola Ansell”